Overview Year of birth of LEBARA is 2001. Their name is derived from the first two letters of the first names of the three founders, LEon, Baskaran, and Ratheesan, all of whom are businessmen. At that time, if you wanted to be able to call relatives and friends in another country on the main networks, it would cost you an arm and a leg. Taking this opportunity their founders have changed the face of European telecom market and introduced the service of international calls for 1p per minute. This made Lebara more established as a pioneer in value. Two decades on, Lebara remains the value leader with SIM-only deals starting at £5 per month with EU and India roaming included.…
The Body Shop Where Beauty Meets Ethics and Sustainability The Body Shop was founded by a woman by the name Dame Anita Roddick in the year 1976 in the city of Brighton in England. It all started with a store that sold fine cosmetics and beauty products at a reasonable price with bottles that were reused. The proprietors had the conviction that business can make the world a better place and that the world can be their source of beauty. For this reason, The Body Shop has developed into a retail selling company that caters for over 30 million clients across the globe. It has direct employees 10,000, while 12,000 are working with them as their franchise partners, and it…
The Inspiration Behind Jarlo London’s Designs This is an area that Jarlo London is famous for since they ensure that they pay a lot of attention to details and produce quality work. This is perhaps the best testament to the brand’s adherence to the principles of making classic clothing. Some of the designs done by Jarlo London are usually a mix of the classic elegance and the contemporary looks. Designers of Jarlo London take their time to study art, architecture and old fashion in order to create fashionable clothing that is classic in appeal. The initial procedure in constructing a garment is the selection of fabric; each fabric that is chosen must be suitable for the design and for the…