


Lernen Sie Pandora kennen Die Vision von Pandora ist es, die beliebteste und bekannteste Schmuckmarke der Welt zu werden. Pandora hat sich dem Gedanken verschrieben, dass Schmuck nicht nur ein Accessoire ist, sondern ein Teil von Ihnen. Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 1982 haben sie sich der Herstellung von Schmuck verschrieben, der persönlich und einzigartig ist und die Freude an den wichtigen Ereignissen des Lebens widerspiegelt. Angefangen bei den berühmten Bettelarmbändern bis hin zu den Ringen, Halsketten und Ohrringen ist jedes einzelne Schmuckstück so individuell wie die Person, die es trägt. Aus diesem Grund gehören Nachhaltigkeit und ethische Herstellung zu den Kernwerten dieses Unternehmens. Ihr Ziel ist es, die Welt zu einem besseren Ort zu machen, und so verwenden sie…

Abbott Lyon Abbott Lyon was established in 2015 and it was their dream to create beautiful jewellery and accessories that are also accessible.They have grown to love trendy customized pieces that you will be comfortable wearing every day and sharing with your friends and family. They are so grateful for your support that you have been giving them from all over the world for many years. It has been such a pleasure creating Abbott Lyon with the best team ever, and they just want you to keep loving what they produce. ”In short, they are a team of creative and specialist people. ” They pride ourselves in producing stunning, quality, bespoke products at the lowest price with top notch customer…

Pretty Lavish was launched in 2013 due to the fact that Stephanie and Samantha Frost, the sisters who founded the company, realized the absence of such brand in the market of womenswear, which offered luxury clothing for an affordable price. Originally, the brand started from their house; their first collection created in their Mum’s loft was well received. Pretty Lavish has expanded and as of 2017 the brand opened their first store and office space. Today, Pretty Lavish is one of the prominent brands in the fashion market and being a middleman between the cheap clothing and luxury clothing brands. The brand has evolved into a symbol of classy wear for special events, luxurious knitted wear, and a contemporary bride’s…

Lavish Alice The term Lavish Alice is closely connected with trendy clothing and provocative statements about one’s appearance. The given company is considered the part of the luxurious clothing industry since it offers the line that is chic yet at the same time the clothing looks proactive. Lavish Alice pink front for hightstreet fashion means you can make a style statement even with your wardrobe. They make garments that are stylish, and at the same time serve their intended purpose because they incorporate contemporary looks and timeless silhouettes. The individuals who want to bring out something flashy in their dressing should go to Lavish Alice since it offers the trendiest designs that interlace modern fashion and sophistication in their production…

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