


About The Whiz Cells The Whiz Cells is an online store that operates in the niche of buying and selling second-hand mobile phones. It is easy for people who want to dispose of their smartphone, tablet or any other electronic device and get fair prices for it and fast payments. To enhance the customer satisfaction, The Whiz Cells provides free shipping and the instant price quote of the products. It also takes into consideration the environmental concerns by encouraging the recycling and the reuse of the electronics hence making it a green platform in as much as it deals with technology. Why Choose The Whiz Cells In this way, they equip their customers with efficient tools to turn cash on…

We call the new editor Gutenberg. The entire editing experience has been rebuilt for media rich pages and posts. Experience the flexibility that blocks will bring, whether you are building your first site, or write code for a living. It seems that Gutenberg has been a term of controversy in the world of WordPress lately. Hailed as the most significant change to WordPress 5.0 this year, the Gutenberg editor has received a positive response from web developers and regular folk alike. All of this power is making it awesome. Wider Galleries What does Gutenberg Change The sole purpose of the Gutenberg editor is to provide an alternative to the current open text editor, not to mention the difficult-to-remember shortcodes, with…

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